Spas in Ernakulam

Spa In Ernakulam

Swedish Massage

This Massage Therapy which we offer in our Spa in Ernakulam is typically with  long strokes & circular movements, Gliding combined with kneading with tapping vibrations which helps in blood circulation & reduce hypertension. Most of the strokes are done with gentle pressure towards the heart with the goal of improving blood & lymphatic circulation. So Visit our spas in Ernakulam, A therapy treatment from Our Massage Centre in Ernakulam  can help to  reduce toxin levels and manage depression, stress & anxiety. It is also effective for Back pain, headaches, chronic pain, asthma & diabetics. This Ayurvedic Spa Treatment  Massage stimulates all the  nerves located all over your body, relaxing tight muscles & improves body flexibility. This Spa Body Massage provides numerous therapeutic benefits that are countless. If You are in a lifestyle that involves travel & lots of stress, Taking Cross Massages once in a week in Our Body Spa would be much better to re-energize your mind & body to reap its benefits.



 Massage combined with Ayurvedic herbal oils, help to achieve better health & wellbeing when  the skin absorbs these  Ayurvedic herbal oils with sweet aroma to promote your body better in handling stress and also helps in better sleep, pain relief, boosting stamina & potentially enhance your  energy levels.

These Ayurvedic herbal oils also contain antiviral & antibacterial properties relieving respiratory congestion & allergies.

Spas in Ernakulam
Spas in Ernakulam

Deep Tissue Massage


 Is a Cross Massage technique that offers both physical & psychological benefits & used to treat strains, sports injuries & chronic back pain. The inner layer of your body muscles are targeted by deep strokes applying sustained pressure, that involves rapid, circular movements of the finger tips & palms. When the Body muscles are tensed,  they block oxygen & nutrients. Deep Massage Techniques are very effective in relaxing the body muscles by releasing toxins from the body to get blood & oxygen circulating properly. 

Kerala Ayurvedic Massage

 Is the oldest health care & wellness system in the world. It Stimulates the muscles to get relaxed, increase blood circulation & discard impurities  to harmonize the body. This unique, natural & holistic healing for various kinds of ailments originated in India nearly 5000 years ago.

Ayurvedic Spa full body Cross massage using special ayurvedic oils improves the skin complexion & will intensely, relax & re-energize your body from inside, To achieve this, pressure is applied with the palm or fingertips on certain points to stimulate various energies & aid to release toxins accumulated in the body.  People suffering from  high cholesterol level , obesity can reap sufficient benefits from this Massage.


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